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* 기본정보

진료지침명 조기 위장관암 내시경 치료 임상 진료지침
개발조직명 대한소화기내시경학회
개발참여자 Chan Hyuk Park, Dong-Hoon Yang, Jong Wook Kim, Jie-Hyun Kim, Ji Hyun Kim, Yang Won Min, Si Hyung Lee, Jung Ho Bae, Hyunsoo Chung, Kee Don Choi, Jun Chul Park, Hyuk Lee, Min-Seob Kwak, Bun Kim, Hyun Jung Lee, Hye Seung Lee, Miyoung Choi, Dong-Ah Park, Jong Yeul Lee, Jeong-Sik Byeon, Chan Guk Park, Joo Young Cho, Soo Teik Lee, Hoon Jai Chun (박찬혁, 양동훈, 김정욱, 김지현A, 김지현B, 민양원, 이시형, 배정호, 정현수, 최기돈, 박준철, 이혁, 곽민섭, 김번, 이현정, 이혜승, 최미영, 박동아, 이종열, 변정식, 박찬국, 조주영, 이수택, 전훈재)
개발일자 시작일 : 2018-05-16 - 완료일 : 2020-03-23

* 추가정보

다학제 연구개발
진료지침 개발방식 근거분석 후 지침개발 (De nove)
학회내 인증 여부와 인증학회명 인증 (인증학회명 : 대한소화기내시경학회
개발 학회 조주영
진료지침파일 조기암_CPG_한글_소화기학회.pdf
Keywords Early colorectal cancer, Early gastric cancer, Endoscopic resection, Guideline, Superficial esophageal squamous cell carcinoma
Although surgery was the standard treatment for early gastrointestinal cancers, endoscopic resection is now a standard treatment for early gastrointestinal cancers without regional lymph node metastasis. High-definition white light endoscopy, chromoendoscopy, and image-enhanced endoscopy such as narrow band imaging are performed to assess the edge and depth of early gastrointestinal cancers for delineation of resection boundaries and prediction of the possibility of lymph node metastasis before the decision of endoscopic resection. Endoscopic mucosal resection and/or endoscopic submucosal dissection can be performed to remove early gastrointestinal cancers completely by en bloc fashion. Histopathological evaluation should be carefully made to investigate the presence of risk factors for lymph node metastasis such as depth of cancer invasion and lymphovascular invasion. Additional treatment such as radical surgery with regional lymphadenectomy should be considered if the endoscopically resected specimen shows risk factors for lymph node metastasis. This is the first Korean clinical practice guideline for endoscopic resection of early gastrointestinal cancer. This guideline was developed by using mainly de novo methods and encompasses endoscopic management of superficial esophageal squamous cell carcinoma, early gastric cancer, and early colorectal cancer. This guideline will be revised as new data on early gastrointestinal cancer are collected.
* 타진료지침으로 부터 개작(adaptation) : 독자적인 임상질문에 따라 근거자료를 검색하고 평가하여 진료지침을 만드는 방식이 아니라 기존에 개발된 다른 진료지침들을 검색하고 그 내용을 취합정리하여 진료지침을 만드는 방식

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